Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
Narrator:Listen to the following discussion between two students.
Woman:I can't stand it.How did I ever end upe in this old dormitory?I was sure I had been approved fort the new building.
Man:What do you mean?They switched you?
Woman:Yeah,that's right.I applied for the new dorm.I gave a depposit.They took the deposit.Then I showed up and they said it was never guaranteed that I would get it.It was just a request.t
Man:That's annoying.But what wrong with it?It looks okey.
Woman:The new buildings have central heat and air.These have window units,andor they don't work wells.It's sweltering in here.Bananas ripen in an hour.I run the air for hours,and it seems to get hotter.
Man:Are you going to do anything about it?
Woman:I filed a complaint,but it seems they don't care.I'm stuck.
1.Narrator:What had the woman assumed?
jawab:(A)➜That she wwould be in a new building.
keyword:Was sure;had been approved for the new building.
pembahasan:Ucapan wanita tersebut mengimplikasikan bahwa dia yakin bahwa dia disetujui untuk pindah ke gedung baru.
2.Narrator:What does the woman indicate is the biggest problem with the old dormitory?
jawab:(C)➜The air conditioning is insufficient.
keyword:Sweltering in here.
pembahasan:"Swelterring"berarti"kepanasan".Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa AC di gedung lama tidak mencukupi.
3.Narrator:What does the woman give as an example of the temperature problem?
jawab:(A)➜Bananas ripen too quickly.
keyword:Bananas ripen in an hour
pembahasan:Wanita tersebut mengatakan"bananas ripen in an hour"(pisang masak dalam satu jam)sebagai ungkapan betapa panasnya gedung lama tersebut.
Narrator:Listen to the following conversation about a computer program.
Man:Can you help me with this computer program?I'm trying to create a report,and I can't figure it out.
Woman:Show me what you've done.Have you written it down?
Man:No,I haven't.But I remember.Let's see,first I clicked reports.Then I chose,uh,I chose budget.Or was it profit and loss?
Woman:Okey,the first thing you need to do is write down what steps you take. That's the only way to either do the same thing or not do the samething if it's not working.
Man:I know,you're right.Alright,let's
Woman:We'll start with budget comparison.Let's choose this,and this,and that.Got'em?
Woman:What's the date range?Want to choose last month to see?
Man:Yeah,okey,I wrote it down.Wow,that's it! You got it.Why couldn't I do that?
Woman:You know what I'm going to say.
Man:Right,I couldn't have repeated it if I hadn't written it down.
1.Narrator:What are the speakers talking about?
jawab:(B)➜A computer program.
keyword:Can you help me with this computer program?
pembahasan:Dari ucapan sang laki-laki bisa diketahui bahwa yang dibicarakan adalah program komputer.
2.Narrator:What does the woman advice the man to do?
jawab:(B)➜Write the procedure
keyword:➜Write down what steps you take.
pembahasan:Langkah-langkah yang diambil memiliki arti yang sama dengan prosedur.
3.Narrator:What is the man likely to do the next time he has a computer problem?
jawab:(A)➜take notes.
keyword:I know ,you're right.
pembahasan:Pernyataan yang dinyatakan laki-laki tersebut mengimplikasikan bahwa nanti dia akan mencatat langkah-langkah yang diambil.
4.Narrator:Is the man probably going to be able to repeat the procedure that the woman showed him?
jawab:(B)➜Yes,because he wrote down the procedure.
keyword:Right,I couldn't have repeated it if I hadn't written it down.
pembahasan:Penggunaan conditional sentences tipe 3 tersebut bermakna bahwa sebelumnya dia tidak bisa karena tidak mencatatnya.Berarti bisa diimplikasikan bahwa sekarang dia bisa karena telah mencatatnya.
Man:I need to find a new apartment,or maybe a house.
Woman:I though you had a great place already.Why are you moving/
Man:It was a rental house,and the owners sold it.The new oeners are going to move in.
Woman:Where do you want to move?Are you planning to get closer to school?
Man:Either that or closer to my job.Right now,it's 20 minutes to both of them.
Woman:I have a friend who's moving out of a two-bedroom apartment on 34th Sreet,near University Avenue.It's 20 a nice place.
Man:That's great.It close to the grocery store,restaurants,and everything else.Do you know what it rents for?
Woman:I think about $500 a month,and there's a pool.
Man:That's not bad at all.I'd love to see it.
Woman;I'll call my friend and see if it's still abailable.
1.Narrator:what had the woman assumed about the man's current living arrangements?
Jawab:(B)➜That he was happy with his living arrangements.
keyword:I thought you had a great place already.
Pembahasan:Dari yang diucapkan sang wanita,bisa disimpulkan bahwa sang wanita menganggap tempat tinggal laki-laki tersebut yang sekarang menyenangkan.
2.Narrator:What does the man say about the location he prefers?
Jawab:(C)➜He will accept a place close to either work or school.
Keyword:Get closer to school;Either that closer to my job.
Pembahasan:Dari yang diucapkan sang laki-laki jelas dia mencari lokasi baik yang dekat dengan sekolah atau tempat kerja.
3.Narrator:How does the man react to the suggestion made by the woman?
jawab:(B)➜He thinks it is close to conveniences.
keyword:That's not bad at all.
pembahasan:Ungkapan yang disampaikan sang laki-laki"that's not bad at all"mengimplikasikan bahwa sang laki-laki menyukai tempat yang ditawarkan.
4.Narrator:What does the woman offer to do for the man?
jawab:(B)➜Contact her friend to iquire about it.
keyword:I'll call my friend and see if it's still available.
Pembahasan:Dari percakapan tersebut jelas sang wanita akan menghubungi temanya untuk menanyakan apa tempat tersebut masih tersedia atau tidak.
Woman:The lack of rain in florida has led to a renewed interest in the technology of cloud seeding.Have you heard of it before?
Man:Yes,actually.We used to hear about it back in the 70 and 80s.That's a good point.Why don't they do that?
Woman:Mainly because cloud seeding isn't a proven science.While some scientists believe it works,there is no scientific proof that it does.
Man:So What?It's better than doing nothing,isn't it?
Woman:It's expensive.The research has been very expensive and the act itself is expensive.They aren't willing to take the effort ad expense to do something they aren't sure will work.The authorities in florida don't believe in it.
Man:Here's a diagram.The concept was created in 1946 by General Electric.An agent,usually silver iodide,is deposited into a convective cloud,which is the type of white fluffy cauliflower-shaped cloud that generally leads to a storm cloud.The agent provides a nuclei,or base, on which tiny water droplets can condense,and once there is enough condensation,the small droplets become larger droplets,then ice crystals,then snow flakes,and ultimately rain.
Man:Don't they use it for agricultural purposes in the Midwest?They think it works.
Woman:They do,but not everybody is convinced.
Man:It sure seems worth it to me to do whatever it takes to stop wildfires.
1.Narrator:What does the woman say has led to a new interest in cloud seeding?
Jawab:➜(C)Extended periods of drought.
keyword:The lack of rain in Florida has led to a renewed interest in the technology of cloud seeding.
pembahasan:The lack of rain(kurangnya hujan)berimplikasi yang sama dengan kekeringan(drought),dan hal tersebut yang menyebabkan ketertarikan terhadap teknologi pencarian bibit hujan(cloud seeding).
2.Narrator:Does the man indicate that he has heard of cloud seeding before?
jawab:(B)➜yes,he heard of it some years ago.
keyword:We used to hear about it back in the '70s and 80s.
Pembahasan:Dari perkataan laki-laki tersebut jelas bahwa dia telah mendengar tentang bibit hujan pada 70-an dan 80-an.
3.Narrator:Why isn't cloud seeding used to combat dry conditions?
jawab:(A)➜It is not known to be effective.
keyword:Cloud seeding isn't a proven science.
Pembahasan:Frasa"cloud seeding isn't a proven science"bermakna sama dengan belum diketahui heefectifannya.
4.Narrator:What does the man imply should be done?
jawab:(A)➜He thinks they should use it anyway.
kerword:It sure seems worth it to me to do whatever it takes to stop wildfires.
pembahasan:Ucapan yang diucapkan laki-laki tersebut"it sure seems worth it to me to do whatever it takes to stop wildfires"bermakna bahwa seharusnya sistem tersebut digunakan.
5.Narrator:What is the correct order of the process for seeding a cloud?
jawab:(C)➜lodides are deposited,iodides merge with water droplets,ice crystals, develop,and snow and rain develop.
keyword:Silver iodide is deposited into a convective cloud,provides a nuclei,the small droplets become larger droplets,then ice crystals,then snow flakes,and ultimately rain.
Pembahasan:Dari percakapan tersebut sang wanita menyebutkan proces pembuatan hujan buatan yang dimulai dengan penyebaran garam di awan.
6.Narrator:According to the speaker,into what is the iodide deposited?
jawab:(C)➜Large convective clouds,which are precursors to storm clouds.
keyword:Silver iodide is deposited into a convective cloud that generally leads to a storm cloud.
pembahasan:Sang wanita menjelaskan bahwa garam disebarkan di awan yang cenderung bisa menghasilkan badai awan.
7.Narrator:According to the woman,what is a nuclei?
jawab:(A)➜A foothold.
keyword:Nuclei,or base.
Pembahasan:Pada appositive dikatakan bahwa"nuclei"adalah"base"(dasar),yang memiliki makna yang sama dengan "foothold"(pijakan).
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