Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
Woman:I hope you can help me with this.I'm not sure what to do.You specialize in elder law,right?What is elder law?
Man:Sure.I am certified by the Bar in that area.It is really a combination of several areas of law,including regular matters like real estate and astate planning,with special issues involving older people.It can also include financial assistance for nursing home residents as well as helping out in the case of abuse.
Woman:Well,my problem involves my grandmother.She has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.She seems okey right now,at least most of the time.But sometimes she gets really confused.I go to school,and I've been leaving her at home.The other day I came home and she'd put on water for tea and forgotten about it.The pot was completely empty and still on high.I'm worried about her.
Man:Well,is she still aware of who you are?Does she know what she owns?
Woman:Oh,yeah.She,uh,really,her problem is just beginning.Most of the time she's fine.She just forgets.Sometimes she gets a little irritable.
Man:Has she signed a durable power of attorney to you?
Woman:What's that?
Man:A document that assigns power to a person,so the person can make decisions,sign documents,and take care of everything for the incapacitated person.We suggest that everybody sign a durable power of attorney while they are competent.Otherwise,a guardianshnip would be needed,and it's not a pleasant way to handle things'Durable"means it'll remain valid even if later she loses her capacity.
Woman:Okey,I'm sure sign one.How do we do that?
Man:We'll make another appointment.Bring her in.I need to talk to her to see that she understands to what it is and is willing to sign it.We'll also talk about documents to handle health care dicisions.Next,you're going to have to make a decesion about what to do with her.You can probably keep her at home for a while,but you need to do something to keep her safe.You may consider a day facility for people with Alzheimer's or dementia.She would be safe during the day there.Eve)ep her if it progresses,and you can't feel guilty about that.There may be a time that such a facility is better for her.But for now,I think it's great that you are taking cBBare of her.She is very lucky.
1.Narrator:What are the speakers discussing?
Jawab:(B)➜The woman's grandmother and how to handle a progressive illness.
keyword:My problem involves my grandmother;diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
pembahasan:Dari percakapan tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa masalah wanita tersebut adalah neneknya yang maenderita Alzheimer.
2.Narrator:Why does the lawyer require a meeting with the grandmother?
Jawab:(A)➜To assess her mental capacity.
keyword:To see that she understands what it is and is willing to sign it.We'll also talk about documents to handle heallth care decisions.
pembahasan:Dari ucapan pengacara tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa dia ingin membantu nenek dari kliennya.
3.Narrator:"What did the woman describe as an example of grandmother's failing capacity?
jawab:(D)➜She fergets things,like when to turn off the stove.
keyword:The other day I came home and she'd put on water for tea and forgotten about it.
pembahasan:Pada percakapan tersebut sang klien memberikan contoh bahwa ketika dia sekolah,neneknya lupa mematikan kompor.
4.Narrator:Which of the following is not an example of Eldes Law?
Keyword:Not example;regular matters like real estate and estate planning,include financial assistance for nursing home residents as well as helping out in the case of abuse.
Pembahasan:Dari penjelasan pengacara,kebangkrutan tidak termasuk"elder law."
5.Narrator:According the man,a power of attorney will do which two of the following ?
Jawab:(C) and(D)➜Give the agent authority to sign documents and Assign the right make decisions.
keyword:Willing to sign it,make a decision about what to do with her.
pembahasan:Dari penjelasan pengacara tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa dia bisa memberikan agen kuasa untuk menandatangani dokumen dan memberikan hak kepada klien untuk membuat keputusan.
6.Narrator:What does the man suggest for the grandmother's safety?
Jawab:(B)➜Sign her up for a day-care program.
keyword:You may consider a day facility;she may need to enter an adult living facility.
Pembahasan:Dari percakapan tersebut bisa diketahui bahwa saran yang diberikan pengacara tersebut adalah"a day facility"dan"an adult living facility."
7.Narrator:What does the man imply?
Jawab:(D)➜A guardianship will be required if the grandmother has lost her capacity.
keyword:Take care of everything for the incapacitated person.
Pembahasan:Dari keterangan yang diberikan pengacara,guardianship(penjagaan)diperlukan hanya jika yang bersangkutan tidak mempunyai kapasitas lagi.
Narrator:Listen to the following discussion about a new type of camera.
First Man:This camera is special;it does much more than just photograph thongs.See ,it looks normal enough,it's smaller than a regular video camera,and it doesn't weigh much,but you can use it to photograph the unseen.Do you know what I mean by that?
Woman:It photographs through solids.
First man:That's right,it's a technological breakthrough that can scan objects as deep as 25 feet underground or inside walls.It works much like radar.
Second Man:How does it do that?
First man:It's thermal.That means it can make distinctions based on the composition of different materials underground.Does that sound useful? Can anybody tell us how this could be used?Woman looking for bodies underground?
First man:Actually,yes,that is one way it's useful.It's been used to study how soldiers died in the United States Civil War.Thermal archaeology,it's called.Scientists studied a prison camp cemetery where they had exposure.They found instead that many of the prisoners died of dysentery,not mistreatment,and they found that there significantly fewer bodies than previously thought.
Woman:It's unbelievable that they could tell all that from a photograph through dirt.
First Man: It is,but the scientists were able to conclude what happened because of this camera.There are many possible uses,and historians should be able to obtain all kinds of information that they couldn't get before.
Second Man:Have they successfully used it on anything else?
First Man:Yes,Archeologists have obtained information on a bloody Civil War battle in Tennessee in 1862. They have even studied a culture that lived in 1200 A.D.on the same spot as that Civil War battle;they found the culture's remain's undermeath evidence of the battle.Scientists have also determined the agricultural terrain in Egypt 2000 years ago,and they've found polar bear dens beneaths the snow.And the same technology can be used to film night battles,locate leaking water within rock walls,and navigate smoky buildings.It does not replace good old- fashioned digging with a showel and brush,but it narrows down the area and provides a lot of help.
1.Narrator: How does the man describe the physical features of the camera?
jawab:(B)➜Lightweight and compact.
keyword:Doeasn't wight much;smaller than a regular video camera.
pembahasan:Dari kata kunci bisa disimpulkan bahwa kamera tersebut tidak berat dan lebih kecil dari kamera video.
2.Narrator:What is the talk mainly about?
jawab:(C)Thermal cameras.
keyword:It's thermal.
pembahasan:Yang dibicarakan adalah kamera yang menggunakan teknologi panas(thermal camera).
3.Narrator:Regarding the Civil War prison camp site that was studied,what does the man imply that the researchers learned?
jawab:(A)➜The prisoners were not mistreated.
keyword:Not mistreatment.
pembahasan:Dikatakan langsung bahwa para narapidana bukan diperlukan tidak senonoh,melainkan karena kekurangan nitrisi.
4.Narrator:What does the man say about the culture that existed in the year 1200 A.D?
jawab:(C)➜The Locating distant planets.
keyword:Not stated as an ecample,the same technology can be used to film night battles,locate leaking water within rock walls,and navigate smaky buildings.
pembahasan:Dari penjelasan pembicara yang bukan fungsi dari kamera ini adalah melihat planet yang jauh.
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