Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.Man:What happened to your car?It didn't have that huge dent yesterday,did it?
Woman:You wouldn't believe it.It was hit by a school bus.I saw it,but the driver denied it.My paint was on its bunper.
Man:What are you going to do?The school's insurance should pay for it.
Narrator:What does the woman say about her car?
Jawab:(B)➜The school bus damaged it
keyword:Was it
Pembahasan:Kalimat"it was hit by a school bus"bermakna bahwa yang menabrak mobilnya adalah bus sekolah.
2.Man:We're going to have a new teacher in astronomy-Mr.Adams.Know anything about him?
Woman:A graduate student in physics,and quite sure of himself,but he's never taught before.
Man:Oh,great.I guess.It's going from bad to worse.
Narrator:What does the woman imply about Mr.Adams?
Jawab:(D)➜He is arrogant and has no teaching experience
keyword:Quite sure of himself;never taught before.
Pembahasan:Frasa"quite sure of himself"memiliki arti yang sama dengan arrogant,dan frasa"never taught before"bermakna inexperience/tidak berpengalaman.
3.Woman:Did you see Thalia singing last night on Univision?She did the theme song from her new soap.I know you really like to watch her.
Man:No,I would have if I had known about it.When does the new soap start?
Woman:Aha!I knew you couldn't resist.
Narrator:What do the speakers imply about Thalia?
Jawab:(A)➜The man admires her looks
keyword:You couldn't resist.
Pembahasan:klausa "you couldn't resist"menunjukkan bahwa pria itu mengagumi Thalia.
4.Man:If I had only prepared more,I could have done better on the exam.
Woman:I thought you had done well.
Man:Yeah,I did,but not well enough.
Narrator:What does the man imply about the exam?
Jawab:(B)He didn't prepare as well as he could have
keyword:If I had only prepared
Pembahasan:Penggunaan Conditional
conditional fakta
v2 v1
had+v3 v2
Jadi,klausa if I had only prepared more bermakna bahwa laki laki tersebut tidak mempersiapkan diri lebih baik.
5. Woman:I wish Jane hadn't heard about the surprise.I tried so hard to carry it off.
Man:She was very grateful anyway.It was a nice thing to do.
Woman:I know,but it would have been even more fun if she hadn't found out.
Narrator:What does the woman imply about Jane?
Jawab:(C)➜Jane was aware of the surprise beforehand
keyword:Wish Jane hadn't heard
pembahasan:penggunaan subjunctive
subjunctive fakta
v2 v1
had v3 v2
+ -
- +
Jadi,kalimat I wish Jane Hadn't heard about the surprise memiliki makna bahwa Jane mengetahui kejutan tersebut.
6. Man:What did Rafael tell the officer about the accident?
Woman:He said the car was Struck by the truck.
Narrator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(B)➜The truck hit the car
keyword:Was struck
Pembahasan:Klausa"The truck hit the car"merupakan kalimat aktif dari/bermakna sama dengan"the car was struck by the truck".
7.Woman:Do you know anything about the three students who ar making the vidio disply?
Man:An excellent photographer,Gary Smith will carry the weight.
Woman:You don't know the others?
Narrator:What does the man imply about the vidio producers?
Jawab:(A)➜One person will make it successful
keyword:Will carry the weight
Pembahasan:Frasa"will carry the weight"bermakna'akan mengatasi masalah".Pada appositive,"an excellent photographer,"yang diacu adalah Gary.
8.Woman:Are you planning to go on the trip?
Man:I may be able to
Narrator:What does the man mean?
Jawab:(A)➜He is not sure whether he will go on the trip
keyword:May be
Pembahasan:Kata"may be mengindikasikan bahwa pembicara tidak yakin(not sure)
9. Man:Did Holly complete the forms required for the university?
Woman:She wasn't feeling well,but she said she would fill them out tonight.
Narrator:What does the woman say about Holly?
Jawab:(C)➜She intends to complete the forms.
Keyword:Would fill out.
Pembahasan:Frasa "fill out"berarti mengisi,yang memiliki arti yang berbeda dengan feel(merasa).
10.Man:Should somebody deliver the papers to the Dean's office?
Woman:Don't look at me.
Narrator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(A)➜She doesn't intend to take the papers to the Dean's office.
keyword:Don't look at me.
pembahasan:Exspresi Don't look at me pada percakapan ini mengindikasikan bahwa sang wanita tidak mau melakukan apa yang laki-laki tersebut katakan.
11.Man:Why is the president so angry?
Woman:The chairmen of the two companies broke off discussions regarding the proposed merger.
Narrator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(c)➜The chairmen discontinued discussing a merger
keyword:Broke off.
Pembahasan:Frasa broke off memiliki makna yang sama dengan discontinued.
12.Man:I haven't heard whether John is going on the cruise.
Woman:He'd made other arrangements before the cruise.
Narrator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(D)jJohn is not attending the cruise.
Pembahasan:Penggunaan past perfect tense(had+v3)mengindikasikan bahwa peristiwa tersebut dikerjakan lebih dahulu dibandingkan kalimat yang menggunakan simple past(v2).
13.Woman:Betty took the wrong bus and missed the meeting
Man:I know.She showed up when it was over.
Narrator:What do the speakers mean?
Jawab:(B)➜Betty did not go to the meeting.
pembahasan:Kata"missed"memiliki arti kehilangan atau ketinggalan.Berarti Betty tidak hadir dalam rapat.
14.Woman:Are Stephen and Brenda still planning to change majors?
Man:Brenda has decided to,but Stepen is still looking into his options.
Narrator:What does the man mean?
Jawab:(B)➜Stephen is investiating the alternatives.
keyword:Looking into.
Pembahasan:Penggunaan frasa look into memiliki arti bahwa dia baru melihat- lihat,tetapi melakukan/memutuskan.
15.Man:I don't have enough time to finish the research for my paper.
Woman:Why not try outlining what you have now?
Narrator:What does the woman suggest that the man do?
Jawab:(B)➜Start planning the writing before finishing the research.
keyword:Why not.......,outlining.
Pembahasan:Outlining bermakna sama dengan membuat kerangka.
Why not.....?
You'd be better off.....?
Why don't you.......?
if I were you,I would.........
16.Woman:No sooner had I turned in the paper than I remembered the answer to number 8.
Man:That's not as bad as what I did.I skipped one answer,so I put answer on the wrong line all the way down.By the time I realized it,I didn't have time to fix it.
Woman:Oh,That certainly is worse.
Narrator:What is the man's problem?
Jawab:(B)➜He made a mistake,which cast him a number of answer.
keyword:Didn't have time to fix it.
pembahasan:Dari klausa'I didn't have time to fix it"(tidak punya waktu untuk memperbaiki),mengimplikasikan bahwa laki-laki tersebut telah membuat kesalahan yang fatal.
17.Man:Never have I seen such an interesting documentary.You know the one about mummies.
Woman:That's an understatement.
Narrator:What do the speakers imply about the documentary?
Jawab:(C)➜It was extremely interesting
pembahasan:Pembahasan inversi(Adv.negative+aux+subject)dalam ucapan tersebut berfungsi untuk menekankan bahwa dokumenter tersebut benar- benar menarik.
18.Woman:I can top thinking about that terrible accident and what those children went through.
Man:Don't remind me.
Narrator:What do the speakers say about the accident?
Jawab:(C)➜The speakers don't like thinking about it.
keyword:Don't remind me.
pembahasan:implikasi dari klausa"Don't remind me"adalah bahwa pembicara tidak suka mengingat peristiwa tersebut.
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