Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
In 1846 Englishman William J.Thoms defined folklore as"manners,"customs,observances,superstations,ballads,proverbs,etcetera,of the olden time."But folklore doesn't happen only in the distant past.As we go about our lives,forming and participating in different groups and activities,we create modern-day folklore.The folklore of the United States can be described as a convergence of cultures and an exchange of many folk traditions.In New York City,for instance,cultures interact constanly.At the city's West indian Day parade,celebrants dance down the avenues to the beat of reggae and soca.In many neighborhoods,Hassidic Jews walk around wearing the distanctive black hats and clothing of their ancestors,and speaking with a New Yorks accent.At the Puerto Rican Day parade,marchers wave cardcoard machetes.The machete,a large metal knife used for chopping sugar cane,symbolizes the independent spirit of farmers on the island of Puerto Rico.
1.Marator:What is the main subject of the passage?
Jawab:(D)➜the many forms of modern-day American folklore.
keyword:Modern-day folklore,United States.
Pembahasan:Dari kata kunci bisa disimpulkan bahwa yang dibicarakan dalam monolog tersebut adalah berbagai macam bentuk folklore modern di Amerika Serikat.
2.Narator:In which of te following classes would this lecture most likely be given?
Jawab:(B)➜a sosiology class.
Pembahasan:Dari kata kunci culture((budaya),modern(modern),customs(kebiasaan)paling berkaitan dengan pelajaran sosiologi.
3.Narator:Which location is mentioned as a place where many cultures come together?
Jawab:(B)➜New York.
Keyword:Cultures interact constanly.
Pembahasan:klausa"cultures interact constanly"bermakna bahwa semua budaya langsung berinteraksi,yang berarti bahwa wilayah ini terdiri dari banyak budaya,dan tempat yang diacu adalah New York.
4.Narator:What does the machete symboloze for farmers in Peuerto Rico?
Jawab:(C)➜a spirit of independence.
keyword:Symbplizes the independent spirit.
pembahasan:'Independent spirit"memiliki makna yang sama dengan "spirit of independence".
1.Man:Did Chuck call before or after the class?
Woman:He called during the class.
Narator:What did the woman say?
Jawab:(B)➜He called white the class was going on.
Pembahasan:While memiliki makna yang sama dengan during yang berarti selama/ketika.
2.Man:I can't figure out how Brenda knew how to fix the car.
Woman:She used to work in a pair shop.
Narrator:What does the woman say about Brenda?
Jawab:(D)➜She has experience as a mechanic.
Keyword:Udes to work in a repair shop.fix the car.
Pembahasan:Used to digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan lampau,berarti bisa disimpulkan bahwa Brenda dahulunya terbiasa bekerja memperbaiki mobil di bengkel.
3. Woman:I'm not sure how to deal with this.Should I tell the authorities or forget about it?
Man:How could you question it?You know there's no choice.
Woman:You're right.I'll make the call in the morning.
Narrator:What is the woman's problem?
Jawab:(A)➜She isn't sure whether to report something.
Keyword:Not sure.
Pembahasan:Kuncinya adalah kata"not sure"yang menandakan bahwa si wanita ragu atas apa yang akan dia lakukan.
4. Man:Wouldn't you rather take a break now?We've been at it for hours.
Woman:I'm beat,too.Let's get something to eat.
Man:We'll be able to concentrate with a little nutrition.
Narrator:What do the speakers mean?
Jawab:(A)➜They're tired
keyword:Take a break;We've been at it for hours.
Pembahasan:Kunci pada percakapan tersebut adalah "Wouldn't you rather take a break now?We've been at it for hours"yang berarti bahwa mereka ingin istirahat karena sudah bekerja berjam-jam,sehingga bisa diimplikasikan bahwa mereka lelah.
5.Woman:Why won't you let Heather find herself?You can't make her decisions forever.
Man:I'm just not ready to let go,to admit that she's an adult now.
Woman:Well she is,and I think she is ready to show it.
Narrator:What does the woman suggest that the man do?
Jawab:(A)➜Give Heather more freedom.
keyword:Let Heather find herself.
Pembahasan:kuncinya adalah frasa"let Heather find herself'",yang berarti membiarkan Heather menemukan dirinya sendiri.Ungkapan tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dengan memberikan kebebasan.
6. Man:I need to talk to you.I'm going into the hospital for a few days. You'll need to take over management.
Woman:Oh,I'm sorry.Sure,I'll be happy to help.But I hope you will return as good as ever very soon.
Man:I'm optimistic.But I know you'll take care of things one way or the other.
Narrator:What do the speakers mean?
Jawab:(D)➜The man is temporarily turning things one way or the woman.
keyword:Take over,return very soon.
Pembahasan:Kunci dari percakapan tersebut adalah take over yang artinya menggantikan dan return very soon yang artinya segera kembali.
7.Man:Don't bring up the topic we discussed last night while Jeff is here.
He doesn't agree with the decision at all.
Woman:I'd like to hear his point of vew.The subject isn't closed yet.
Man:You'll be sorry.
Narrator:What does the man mean about Jeff?
Jawab:(C)➜He is very much against the issue that the man promotes
Keyword:Doesn't agree.
Pembahasan:Penekanan pada percakapan ini adalah ketidaksetujuan(doesn't agree)Jeff.
8.Man:So,did the diet help?
Woman:It was the exercise that did it.The diet wasn't much of use.
Narrrator:How did the woman lose weight?
Jawab:(D)She took exercise
keyword:The excerise did it.
Pembahasan:Percakapan tersebut mengimplikasikan bahwa kurusnya badan sang wanita dikarenakan olahraga bukan karena diet"it was the exercise that did it.The diet wasn't much of use."
9.Woman:So,did the diet help?
Woman:It was the excercise that did it.The diet wasn't much of use.
Narrator:What would the man advise the woman to do?
Jawab:(A)➜Drive faster
keyword:Not,speed,you're driving.
pembahasan:Frasa"Not at the speed you're driving"bermakna bahwa kecepatan mengemudinya terlalu lambat,dan implikasi dari ucapan tersebut bahwa sang wanita seharusnya mengemudi lebih cepat.
10. Man:The best wine does not only deoend on the amount of sunshine.
Woman:No,it also depends on wether there's frost in the winter.
Narrator:What could be a problem for grapes?
Jawab:(C)➜If the winter is very cold.
pembahasan:Dikatakan dalam percakapan tersebut bahwa yang berpengaruh terhadap tanaman anggur adalah jumlah sinar matahari dan salju pada musim dingin.Jadi,bisa disimpulkan bahwa tanaman tidak bisa tumbuh dengan baik jika cuacanya sangat dingin.
11.Woman:Where is David ?I thought he was going to be here.
Man:He was chosen to lead the committee,and it is meeting tonight.
Narrator:What does the man mean about David?
Jawab:(C)➜He has been appointed as the leader of the committee
keyword:Was chosen.
Pembahasan:Yang dipakai dalam percakapan merupakan kalimat pasif.Chosen(dipilih)memiliki makna yang sama dengan appointed (ditunjuk)
12.Woman:Have you seen the report on changes in the university administration?
Man:I looked it over briefly,but I didn't have time to study it.
Woman:I can leave it for you to review later if you'd like.
Narrator:What does the man say about the report?
Jawab:(D)➜He hasn't been able to review it in detail yet
pembahasan:kata"briefly"memiliki arti"singkat,"jadi,laki-laki tersebut belum melihat laporan tersebut dengan sungguh-sungguh.
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