Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.Woman:I don't like it when Joe puts ketchup on his steak!
Narator:What does the man want to know?
Jawab:(D)➜Why Joe's habit upsets her
Keyword:Don't like;Why?
Pembahasan:Pertanyaan"why"(mengapa)yang dikatakan sang laki-l aki mengacukepada apa yang diucapkan sang wanita yang menyatakan ketidaksenangannya'don't like"terhadap apa yang dilakukan Joe.
2. Man:I got a great deal on these books.
Woman:Yes.I believe this one has been out of print for years.
Narator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(A)➜The book is no longer in most stores.
Keyword:Has been out of print for years.
Pembahasan:Frasa "Has been out of print for years"memiliki arti sudah tidak dicetak selama bertahun-tahun.Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa buku-buku tersebut sudah tidak ada di sebagian besar toko buku.
3. Woman:Do you think I could borrow ten dollars until Thursday?
Man:Why not?it's no big deal.
Narator:What does the man say about the money?
Jawab:(B)➜He will give it to her.
Keyword:Why not?
Pembahasan:Frase"Why not"(mengapa?)mengindikasikan ketidakkeberatan sang laki-laki atas apa yang diingikan sang wanita.
4. Man:These are the most extensive notes I've ever seen.
Woman:I know,I had Sally take them for me.
Narator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(D)➜Sally actually wrote the notes.
Keyword:I had Sally take them for me.
Pembahasan:penggunaan causative active(s+have/let/make+o+verb infinitive atau s+get/tell+o+to infinitive)memiliki makna menyeluruh orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu.Jadi,ungkapan'I had Sally take them for me"memiliki makna bahwa sang pembicara menyurruh Sally.
5.Woman:That's the best beef we've ever had in the dining hall.
Man:Isn't it,though!
Narator:What does the man imply?
Jawab:(D)➜The beef was excelent.
keyword:the best beef;isn't it,though!
Pembahasan:klausa"isn't it,though!"menunjukkan kesetujuan pendapat dengan pernyataan sebelumnya bahwa beef(daging sapi)tersebut adalah yang terbaik.The best beef memiliki implikasi yang sama dengan the beef was excellent.
6. Man:That's a great sweater.Did it take you long to make it?
Woman:I can't knit a thing-I had it made for me.
Narator:What does the woman say about the sweater?
Jawab:(D)➜She didn't make it herself.
Keyword:I had it made for me.
Pembahasan:Penggunaan causative passive
(s+have/let/make/get/tell+o+Verb3)memiliki makna menyuruh sesuatu dikerjakan orang lain.Jadi,ungkapan"I had it made"memiliki makna bahwa pembicara menyuruh sesuatu tersebut(sweater)dikerjakan(dirajut)oleh orang lain,yang berimplikasi bahwa dia tidak membuatnya sendiri.
7.Woman:How was your date with Kelly last night?
Man:Well,let me say I've had worse.
Narator:What does the man think about the date?
Jawab:(D)The date wasn't too bad.
keyword:I've had worse.
Pembahasan:Penggunaan Past Perfect Tense(Had+v3)pada klausa I've had worse"(aku pernah mendapatkan yang lebih buruk)mengindikasikan bahwa kejadian tersebut lebih dahulu terjadi dibandingkan dengan kejadian lampau"date with Kelly last night."Hal ini mengimplikasikan bahwa kencan dengan Kelly tidak terlalu buruk.
8. Man:Excuse me,but why are these things just standing in the middle of the floor?
Woman:This pair of lamps goes over there,up againts the wall.
Narator:What are the man and woman discussing?
Jawab:(C)where the lamps go.
keyword:This pair of lamps goes over there.
Pembahasan:Dari jawaban yang diberikan oleh sang wanita menunjukkan bahwa mereka sedang membicarakan di mana harus meletakkan lampu-lampu tersebut.
9.Woman:Were you finally able to get into that calculus class?
Man:Yeah,much to my regret.
Narator:What does the man mean?
Jawab:(C)➜The class was not worth it.
Keyword:Yeah,much to my regret.
Pembahasan:Kata'regret"(penyesalan)yang diucapkan laki-laki tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dia sebenarnya menyesal mengambil kelas tersebut.Hal ini mengimplikasikan bahwa kelas tersebut tidak terlalu berarti buat laki-laki tersebut.
10. Man:I brought over a little something for you to eat.
Woman:A little something?You brought the whole farm!
Narator:What does the woman imply?
Jawab:(B)➜There's a lot of food.
Keyword:You brought the whole farm!
Pembahasan:Frasa"the whole farm"(seluruh pertanian)mengindikasikan bahwa sang laki-laki membawa makanan yang sangat banyak.
11.Woman:Hey,you can't leave your car in that spot.The lot's closed.
Man:Oh,come on.How about if I pay you double?
Narator:Where does the conversation take place?
Jawab:(A)➜a parking garate.
Keyword:The lot's closed.
Pembahasan:Kata"lot"memiliki arti"tempat parkir"sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa mereka sedang ada di tempat parkir. be or not to be,that's the question.
Narator:How does the woman feel about the man?
Jawab:(D)➜She is not amused by his answer.
Pembahasan:Komentar si wanita menunjukkan bahwa dia tidak suka dengan jabatan laki-laki tersebut.
13.Woman:What's the matter with you lately?Yoy look terrible.
Man:Oh,nothing much.I'm just a little homesick.
Narator:What is wrong with the man?
Jawab:(A)➜He misses his hometown.
Pembahasan:Kata"homesick"memiliki arti rindu kampung halaman,sehingga memiliki makna yang sama dengan miss hometown.
Man::I'm Janie Foster's father,I got a call that she'd been in n accident.Is she all right?
Woman::Oh,yes,Mr.Foster.As I said on the phone,it's nothing serious.
She was more frightened than hurt.We'd like your permission to take a couple of x-rays,though,just to be absolutely sure.
Man:Of course.Can you tell me how it happened?
Woman:Apparently she was coming down that steep hill near the school.She couldn't stop her bike in time when the light changed.The driver saw her coming and stopped in the intersection,but she coasted right into his car.
Man:Great!I'll probably wind up paying for damage to the car!
Can I see her now?
Woman:Surely.She's in the waiting room telling some other patients about her mishap.Come this way.
1.Narator:Whom are the man and woman talking about?
Jawab:(C)➜the man's daughter
Keyword:I'm Janie Foster's father
Pembahasan:Perkataan"I'm Janie Foster's father"(saya ayahnya Janie Foster)mengindikasikan bahwa mereka sedang membicarakan anak dari laki- laki tersebut.
2.Narator:What injuries occurred in the accident?
Jawab:(A)➜They still don't know for certain.
Keyword:More frightened than hurt;just to be absolutely sure.
Pembahasan:Dari kata-kata yang diungkapkan oleh sang wanita(more frightened than hurt,just to be absolutely sure)mengindikasikan bahwa mereka belum mengetahui luka yang ada pada gadis tersebut secara pasti.
3.Narator:What caused the accident?
Jawab:(B)A bicyclist ran into a car.
Keyword:She coasted right into his car.
Pembahasan:kata"coasted into...."(meluncur ke arah)memiliki makna yang sama dengan"ran into......(berlari ke arah...).
4.Narator:Besides the girl's health,what concerns the man?
Jawab:(B)➜possible damage to the car.
keyword:I'll probably wind up paying for damage to the car!
Pembahasan:Pada akhir percakapan laki-laki tersebut menanyakan kemungkinan ganti rugi kerusakan mobil"damage to the car"
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