Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.Man :You've got a wonderful apartment.
Woman:That's what you're saying now.But you have seen it when we moved in.
Narator:What does the woman imply about the apartment?
Jawab:(A)➜It was nicer when she moved it.
Keyword:Should have seen.
Pembahasan:Modal perfect should have V3 memiliki arti"seharusnya(lampau)" yang merupakan saran untuk lampau(past).Jadi,maksud wanita tersebut adalah bahwa laki-laki tersebut seharusnya dahulu melihat apartemen.
2.Woman:I was calling about the job application I submitted on Monday.
Man:Yes,well,I'm sorry.We are looking for someone with more experience.
Narator:What did the man say?
Jawab:(B)➜The woman won't get the job
Keyword:Looking for someone with more ecperience.
Pembahasan:Frasa "looking for someone with more experience" memiliki arti mencari seseorang dengan lebih banyak pengalaman yang mengindikasikan bahwa perempuan tersebut tidak diterima bekerja di tempat laki-laki tersebut.
3.Man: If anyone calls for me,tell them I'm not in.
Woman:Even if it's your mother?
Narator:What does the woman imply?
Jawab:(A)➜The man should talk to his mother.
Keyword:Even if it's your mother?
Pembahasan:Ungkapan"Even if it's your mother?"yang memiliki arti"bahkan,jika orang yang menelepon adalah ibumu?"mengimplikasikan bahwa laki-laki tersebut seharusnya berbicara kepada orang lain,terutama ibunya.
4.Woman:The soccer game was rained out today.
Man:Well,I'm not much for watching sports anyway.
Narator:What does the man mean?
Jawab:(D)➜He doesn't like to watch soccer.
Keyword:Not much for watching sports.
Pembahasan:Kunci dari percakapan tersebut adalah frasa"not much"yang memiliki arti"tidak banyak"yang mempunyai implikasi bahwa laki-laki tersebut tidak terlalu suka.
5. Man:If you want to buy beer,you'll need to prove that you're 21.
Woman:I guess I must look younger than I am.
Narator:What does the woman say about her appearance?
Jawab:(B)➜She looks younger than 21.
Keyword:I must look younger than I am.
Pembahasan:kata"must"pada kata kunci berarti"pasti",sehingga ucapan sang wanita mengindikasikan bahwa dia pasti kelihatan lebih muda daripada usianya(yang disyaratkan untuk membeli bir adalah 21 tahun).
6.Woman:You really can't throw very well.I don't think you can be on the team unless you improve.
Man:I'm afraid I'm very bad at playing sports.
Narator:What describes the man?
Jawab:(D)➜He is not athletic.
keyword:I'm very bad at playing sports.
Pembahasan:kata kunci pada percakapan tersebut adalah"bad"yang artinya"buruk".Hal ini bermakna bahwa laki-laki tersebut sangat buruk dalam olahraga,dan ini berimplikasi bahwa dia bukan seorang atlet.
7.Man:Look,the pond is frozen,it's perfect weather for skating.I want to go right now.
Woman:Don't you think it's bad idea to go alone?
Narator:What would the woman suggest?
Jawab:(C)➜Skate with a friend.
keyword:Don't you think it's a bad idea to go alone?
Pembahasan:Frasa pada kata kunci"bad idea to go alone"memiliki arti"ide buruk untuk pergi sendirian",yang mengimplikasikan bahwa wanita tersebut menyarankan supaya sang laki-laki mengajak.
8.Woman:Isn't this place a good value?
Man:Unfortunately,they don't bring you your food when it's hot.
Narator:Where did this conversation take place?
Jawab:(A)➜at a restaurant.
keyword:This place;bring you your food.
Pembahasan:kata-kata pada kata kunci:this place(tempat ini),food(makanan),mengindikasikan bahwa mereka sedang ada di restaurant.
9.Man:Say,haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Woman:Last semester,we both took European History.Don't you remember?
Narator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(c)She and the man were classmates.
keyword:What both took European History.
Pembahasan:klausa"we both took European History"(kita dahulu mengambil Sejarah Eropa)mengindikasikan bahwa dahulu merreka pernah menjadi teman sekelas(classmates)
10.Woman:Jeremy loves to play soccer,so I had his brother go to a store in the suburbs and get him this great soccer ball.
Man:That's great.Do you think Jeremy will let me borrow it sometime?
Narator:Whom is the soccer ball for?
Keyword:Jeremy love to play soccer.
Pembahasan:Dari kata kunci"Jeremy loves to play soccer"bisa diketahui bahwa yang menyukai bola adalah Jeremy.Jadi,bisa disimpulkan bahwa bola tersebut diberikan kepada jeremy.Untuk pernyataan"I had his brother go to a store and get him this great soccer ball."yang dikatakan wanita tersebut mempunyai makna bahwa dia menyuruh kakak Jeremy untuk mendapatkan bola tersebut(menggunakan causative.
11.Man:I would have called if I had thought it would help.
Woman:Oh well.Thanks anyway for thinking of us.
Narator:What does the woman say about the man's call?
Jawab:(D)She doesn't mind that he didn't call.
keyword:I would have called if I had thought it would help.Thanks anyway for thinking of us.
Pembahasan:Penggunaan conditional
conditional sentence
past perfect +simple past
simple past +simple present
kalimat positive +kalimat negative
kalimat negative +kalimat positive
Jadi pernyataan"I would have called if I had thought it would help"memiliki makna bahwa laki-laki tersebut kemarin tidak menelpon.Jawaban sang wanita"Thanks anyway for thinking of us"mengindikasikan bahwa wanita tersebut tidak keberatan jika laki-laki tersebut tidak menelpon.
12.Woman:Watch out for that low overpass.
Man:I see it.We can clear it,no problem.
Narator:Where does this conversation probably take place?
Jawab:(B)➜in a truck.
keyword:Watch out for that low overpass.
Pembahasan:kata"low overpass"pada kata kunci memiliki makna sesuatu yang dilewati di atas kepada yang rendah.Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa pembicara berada di kendaraan yang tidak memiliki atap.
13.Man:I'm so unhappy with my test results.
Woman:Well,I'm not exactly dissatisfied with mine,and anyway,there's always next time.
Narator:What does the man say about his test results?
Jawab:(A)➜He is very unhappy with the test.
Pembahasan:Pada percakapan jelas diungkapkan bahwa sang laki-laki tidak senang (unhappy)akan hasil tesnya.
14.Woman:Did you see that bird fly right past us?
Man:No,I was having enough trouble just walking down the trail.
Narator:Where does this conversation probably take place?
Jawab:(A)➜in the woods
keyword:Bird fly right past us.
Pembahasan:Klausa pada kata kunci"bird fly right past us"mengindikasikan bahwa burung terbang bebas tepat melewati pembicara,dan ini bisa disimpulkan bahwa mereka berada di hutan.
15. Man:How was your trip to the state park?
Woman: What a great place!
Narator:What does the woman say about her trip?
Jawab:(B)The park was wonderful.
keyword:What a great place!
Pembahasan:Exclamation(What + noun phrase atau How +adjective)berfungsi untuk menyatakan kekaguman terhadap sesuatu.Jadi,klausa"What a great place!"bermakna betapa luar biasa tempat itu,dan kata great bermakna sama dengan wonderful.
16. Woman:Did you find it expensive to vacation in Europe?
Man:Not really;once you get to know it,you learn how to save money.
Narator:What does the man mean?
Jawab:(D)➜Europe is not that expensive?
keyword:Not really
Pembahasan:Frasa pada kata kunci(not really)mengindikasikan ketidaksetujuannya atas pernyataan sebelumnya.
17.Man:Chris has a really neat car,doesn't she?
Woman:Are you kidding?I'd die for a car like that !
Narator:What does the woman mean?
Jawab:(C)➜It's the kind of car she wants.
Keyword:I'd die for a car like that!
Pembahasan:Klausa"I'd die for a car like that!(Aku akan mati untuk mobil seperti itu)yang diucapkan sang wanita mengimplikasikan bahwa wanita tersebut sangat menginginkan mobil semacam itu.
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