Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
Soal listening comprehension part B
Woman:I realy enjoyed your performance I'm a big opera fan.
Man:Oh,thank you very much.Did you see the entire opera tonight?
Woman:No,I was late because of work-But I did catch your solo.
Man:What did you think of it?
Woman:Oh,it was marvelous I love the sound of your voice.I have to say,though,that you sounded a bit hoarse.Are you aving throat trouble?
Man:Yes,I've got a bit of a cold.I didn't know it was that noticeable.
Woman:Probably only to fans like me,who's heard you over the years.
1.Narator:What is the man's occupation?
Jawab:(D)➜an opera singer
Pembahasan:Dari kata kunci performance(penampilan),opera(opera),voice(suara),bisa disimpulkan bahwa pekerjaan dari laki-laki tersebut adalah penyanyi opera.
2.Narator:What is wrong with the man?
Jawab:(B)He is sick.
Keyword:I've got a bit of a cold.
Pembahasan:Ungkapan "I've got a bit of a cold"yang memiliki arti"saya sedikit pilek"berimplikasi bahwa laki-laki tersebut sedang sakit.
3.Narator:What did the woman think of the man's performance?
Jawab:(A)➜She liked it.
Pembahasan:Kata"marvelous"memiliki arti"luar biasa."Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa sang wanita sangat menyukai pertunjukan laki-laki tersebut.
4.Narator:How much of the opera did the woman watch?
Jawab:(D)➜some of it,including the man's solo
Keyword:I did catch your solo;heard you over the years.
Pembahasan:Dari frasa yang ada pada kata kunci"I did catch your solo" (melihat permainan solo-mu)dan"heard you over the years"(mendengar kamu bertahun- tahun)mengimplikasikan bahwa wanita tersebut melihat beberapa pertunjukan laki-laki tersebut selama bertahun-tahun termasuk solo-nya.
Soal listening comprehension part C
Good morning.Let's continue our talk about Harriet Beecher Stowe.Though today she is known primarily for her antislavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin,she was popular in her day for other novels as well.In these books she portrayed the nineteenth century New England middle class.These novels,a number of religious poems,and articles written for house -keeping magazines form her body of work.It's enough to fill sixteen volumes,but only a small part of it is still read today.
After teaching in a school managed by her sister;Harriet moved to Cincinnati with her father.There he became head of a seminary.She was greatly influenced by her father's violent opposition to slavery.In 1852,after publishing Uncle Tom's Cabin in an abolitionist newspaper,she became active in the antislavery movement.Though Uncle Tom's Cabin was run in an abolitionist newpapers,she claimed it was not abolitionist propaganda.Harriet even claimed that the book was not directed against the south.Her most risky venture was begun after the Civil War;She bought a plantation to help the newly freed blacks.However,the farm was an economic failure.So too was her own economic life,for neither her husband's salary nor her own earnings were large enough to support a happy and comfortable existence.
1.Narator:What is Harriet Beecher Stowe most famous for today?
Jawab:(B)➜the novel Uncle Tom's Cbin
Keyword:Know primarily for her antislavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Pembahasan:Frasa known primarily for memiliki arti"terutama terkenal untuk.....,"yang berarti karya H.B Stowe yang paling terkenal adalah Uncle Tom's Cabin.
2.Narator:Which of the following adjectives best characterizes Harriet Beecher Stowe?
Keyword:Teaching;head of a seminary;help the newly freed blacks.
Pembahasan:Pekerjaan yang digeluti Stowe(yang ada pada kata kunci).semuanya membutuhkan pengapdian dan dedikasi.Jadi,bisa disimpulkan bahwa Stowe was a dedicated woman.
3.Narator:When did Harriet Beecher Stowe buy a plantation?
Jawab:(B)➜After the liberation of the slaves.
Keyword:After the Civil War:She bought a plantation to help the newly freed blacks.
Pembahasan:Pada monolog secara explisit dikatakan bahwa Stowe membeli setelah perang sipil,sedangkan secara implisit,frasa"newly freed blacks" (orang- orang kulit hitam yang baru dibebaskan)mengindikasikan bahwa itu terjadi setelah kemerdekaan para budak.
4.Narator:What claim did Harriet Beecher Stowe make about Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Jawab:(A)it was not abolitionist propaganda.
Keyword:She claimed it was not abolitionist propaganda.
Pembahasan:Dari monolog jelas diungkapkan bahwa novel Uncle Tom's Cabin bukanlah suatu propaganda kaum abolisionis"not abolitionist propaganda."
Soal listening comprehension part c
There are places you can go for a pound of spaghetti for $5.95.There are also places you can go for a pound of lobster for $12.95.But in how many places canyou find a pound of lobster for $5.95?Just one! That's Dan's Place,on the tip of CapeLynn,right off Route 98.If you're looking for white tablecloths,fancy dishes,and imported wines,you'll be happier some where else.But if you're looking for some really good food at really good prices,then Dans place is the place for you.We're not fancy,but we're a lot of fun .We carry a full range of seafood and fresh-water fish.We also offer vegetable platters for the vegetarians and pitchers of beer for the beer drinkers.What's more,we make some of the best home-made pies east of the Mississippi.So just hop into your car and don't leave the kids home.Remember Dan's has a special junior menu with junior prices!
1.Narator:What special offer or selling point does Dans restaurant make in its commercial?
Jawab:(C)➜a pound of lobster for $5.95
Keyword:But in how many places can you find a pound of lobster for $5.95?Just one!That's Dan's Place.
Pembahasan:Frase"Just one!"mengindikasikan bahwa hanya ada satu- satunya,dan just one pada percakapan tersebut mengacu pada Dan's place yang menawarkan lobster satu pound dengan harga $5.95.
2.Narator:What type of food does Dan's specialize in?
Keyword:Full range of seafood and fresh-water fish.
Pembahasan:Dalam percakapan dengan jelas diungkapkan bahwa Dan's mempunyai berbagai macam seafood dan ikan segar(full range of seafood and fresh-water fish)
3.Narator:Which word best describes the atmosphere at Dan's place?
Jawab:(C)➜low class
keybord:At really good prices.
Pembahasan:Kata kunci"at really good prices"memiliki implikasi bahwa harganya sangat murah,dan hal ini mengacu pada tempat untuk orang- orang dari kelas rendah.
4.Narator:What item is not found on the menu?
Jawab:(A)➜imported wines
keyword:If you're looking for white tablecloths,fancy dishes,and imported wines,you'll be happier somewhere else.
Pembahasan:Kalimat"If you're looking for white tablecloths,fancy dishes,and imported wines,you'll be happier somewhere else"memiliki arti bahwa jika kalian ingin mencari taplak meja putih,hidangan mewah dan anggur impor,kamu akan lebih senang di tempat lain. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa rumah makan Dan's tidak menyediakan white tablecloth,fancy dishes,dan imported wines.
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