Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.Commercial bacteries can make thousands of loaves of bread on one time by using
a b c d
automated equipment.
The wrong preposition is used,the phrase should correcttly read at one time.
2.North America is a third-largest of the seven continents.
` a b c d
When a noun phrase includes an ordinal number(third) a definite article(the third)must be used.
3.Neither humans or dogs can hear as well as cats.
a b c d
The correct pattern is neither......nor.
4.The astronomer George Hale was a pioneer in the art of photograph the sun.
a b c d
After a preposition,a gerund form(photographing)is needed.
5.Trucks can be used transport a wide variety of vargoes.
a b c d
An infinitive(to transport)is needed to show purpose.
6.Pikes Peak,named for explorer Zebulon Pike,is Colorado's most famous but not its
a b c
most highest mountain.
The correct superlative form is bigbest.
7.Identical colors may appear to be quite different when are they viewed againt different
a b c d
In a sub clause that is not a dirrect question the correct word order is subject-verb they are.
8.Oceanography is not a single science and rather a group of disciplines with a common
a b c
The conjunction but is used before the word rather to show contrast.
9.Until 1960,Maine unique in that it held presidential and conggressional elections on
a b c
September two months earlier than the rest of the nation.
The preposition in is used before months.
10.Sooowshoes allow a person to walking on soow without sinking into it because they
a b c
distribute the person's weight over a wide area.
The correct form of the infinitive is to walk.
11.Puci injection engines employ imjectors instead a carburetor to spray fuci into the
a b c d
The preposition of is used in the phrase instead of.
12.Ocean curents have a enomous effect on life on life on this planet.
a b c d
The article an must be used before words that begin with a vowel sound.
13.Hydraulic elevators are still used in some old buildings,but all almost new buildings are
a b c
equipped with electrical elevators.
The correct word order is almost all.
14.Diaries and journals writing during Colonial times provide the best records of that era.
a b c dThe past participle written is required
15.Frequently,the combination of several spices will result of a more pleasing flavor
a b c
than the use of just one.
The verb result is used with the preposition in.(the noun result is followed by the preposition of)
16.Gold topaz is much rare than either white or blue topaz.
a b c d
A comparative form (much rarer)must be used.
17.A mosaic is picture made from small bits of colored glass or tile.
a b c d
An indefinite article is needed before the noun: a picture.
18.Reclamation is the successful attempt to make deserts,marshlands,or other unusable
a b
land suitable of farming or building.
c d
A preposition is needed after the adjective suitable for.
19.A successful salesperson must have an intuitive understanding of
a b c
psychology human.
The correct word order is human psychology.
20.The university of Wisconsin was the first school to make a serious effort teach students
a b c
public administration.
A fullinfinitive (to teach)is required in place of the simple noun.
21.Some underground water is enough safe to drink,but all surface water must be treated.
a b c d
Enough must follow adjective safe enough.
22.A feeding animal will usually allow competitors approaching only within a certain
a b c
distance,the distance,the boundaries of which are called its feeding territory.
After the verb allow,the infinitive to appraoch is needed.
23.Most familiar type of pump in use today is the piston pump.
a b c d
The definite article is used before most when it is part of a superlative adjective phrase the most.
24.The term"forgetting"refers to the loss,whether temporary and long term,of material
a b c
that has proviously been learned.
The correct pattern is whether...or.
25.Dietitians urge people to eat the banana a day to get enough potassium in
a b c
their diet.
An indefinite article is required a banana.
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