Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
Biomolecules are the carbon-containing compounds that make up the various parts of the living cell and carry out the chemical reactions that enable the cell to grow,maintain and reproduce itself,as well as store and use ebergy.The structure of each biomolecule determines what chemical reactions it is able to participate in;and hence,what role it plays in the cell's life processes.Nucleic acids,proteins,carbohydrates,and lipids are among the most important molecules to support the life processes of the cell.
The first class is nucleic acids,which are responsible for storing and transferring genetic information.They are enormous molecules made up of long strands of subunits,called bases that are arranged in a precise sequence.These bases ar"'read"by other molecules of the cell and used as a guide in making proteins.
Proteins are large molecules built up of small subunits called amino acids.Using only 20 different amino acids,a cell constructs thousands of different proteins,each of which has a highly specialized role in the cell.In general,proteins play important roles in maintaining,growing and providing energy to cells.
Similar to proteins in providing energy,carbohydrates are the basic fuel molecules of the cell.They contain carbon,hydrogen,and oxygen in approximately equal amounts.Green plant plants and some bacteria use a process known as photosynthesis to make simple carbohydrates(sugars)from carbon dioxide,water,and sunlight.Animals,however,obtain their carbohydrates from foods.Once a cell possesses carbohydrates,it may break them down to yield chemical energy or use them as raw material to produce other biomolecules.
Having the same importance as the other biomolecules,lipids,fatty substances in the cell,play a variety of roles.Some are held in storage for use as high-energy fuel;others serve as essential components of the cell membrane.Lipids also serve as vitamins and hormones.
1.Where in the passage does the author mention the functions of biomolecules?
a.Lines 1-3
b.Lines 3-5
c.Lines 5-7
d.Lines 8-9
2.What does the author say about nucleic acids?
a.The are capable of reproducing themselves.
b.They are nessential parts of the cell membrane.
c.They can break down carbohydrates to get energy.
d.They keep and convey genetic information.
3.Where can amino acids be found?
a.In nucleic acids
b.In proteins
c.In carbohydrates
d.In lipids
4.What does the author mention as the basic energy source of the cell?
a.Nucleic acids
5.Where in the passage does the author mention the functions of proteins?
a.Lines 10-11
b.Lines 13-13
c.Lines 14-15
d.Lines 16-17
6.Which of the following is NOT a content of carbohydrates?
7.Which of the following is a function of lipids?
a.To serve as high-energy fuel
b.To help produce proteins
c.To function as the catalysts of chemical reactions
d.To act as the raw material to create other biomolecules
8.Which of the following terms does the author explain in the passage?
a."Biomolecules"(line 1)
b."chemical information(line 9)
c."chemical energy"(line24)
d."cell membrane"(line27)
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