Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.The vacuum tube did an important contribution to the early growth of radio and
a b c d
television. (made)
2.St.Augustine,Florida,founded in 1565 by Pedro Menendez,was razing 21 years later by
a b c d
Francis Drake. (razed)
3.A bimetallic thermometer relies the different rates of expansion of two types of
a b(relies on) c
metal,usually brass and copper.
4.An ice crystal is the nuclei on which hailstone is built.
a b c d
5.Tremendous flooding the summer of 1993 left 8 million acres of nine midwestern states
a b
inu dated and proved both expensively and deadly.
c d
6.The brilliantly colored rhinoceros viper has two or three horns above each nostrils.
a b c d(nostril)
7.Most of the outer planets has large swarms of satellites surrounding them.
a b (have) c d
8.Historical records show that Halley's connet has return about every seventy-six years for
a c d
the past 2,00o years. (returned)
9.Robert Heinlein was instrumental in popularizing science fiction with a series of
a b c
stories that is first published in the Saturday Evening Post.
10.Each number on the Richter scale represent a tenfold increase in the amplitude of waves
a b(represent)
of ground motion recorded during an earthquake.
c d
11.Lake Tahoe,located on the eastern edge of the Sierra Nevada range,is feed by more
a b c(fed)
than thirty mountain streams.
12.Established in 1789 and operated by the Jesuits,Georgetown University in
Washington, the older Roman Catholic institution of higher learning in the United
States. b(oldest) c d
13.The surface of the planet Venus is almost completely hid by the thick clouds that
a b c
shroud it. (hidden)
14.Present in rocks of all types,hematite is particular abundant in the sedimentary rocks
a b c(particularly)
known as red beds.
15.Tropical cyclones,alike extratropical cyclones,which derive much of their energy from
a(like) b c
the jet stream,originate far from the polar front.
16.Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the first U.S.women's rights convention in 1848 and
a b
was instrumentally in the struggle to win voting and property rights for women.
c (instrumental) d
17.Jaguarundis are sleek,long-tailed creatures colored either an uniform reddish brown
a b c(a)
or dark grey.
18.It is possible to get a sunburn on a cloudy day because eighty percent of the ultraviolet
a b
rays from the Sun would penetrate cloud cover.
c(will) d
19.In 1964,GATT established the International Trade Center in order to assist developing
a b
countries in the promotion of its exports.
c d(their)
20.Joseph Heller's novel Catch-22 satirizes both the horrors of war as well as the power
a b c
of modern bureaucratic institutions. (and)
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