Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.Many war devices and secret weapons were so complicated than they taxed the
a b(that)
genius of the young American tars and officers who had to be trained in using them.
c d
2.Kangaroo rats can metabolize starch and fats in the dry seeds they eat into water as if
a b c
they can live out their entire life without taking in a drop of water. (in order that)
3.Archeology covers so an enormous span of time that archeologists specialize in different
a b (such) c
time periods and different cultures.
4.In the early years of the Industrial Revolution,so many workers were dismissed than
a b c
they rioted in protest against their layoffs. (that)
5.Bear teeth are not as sharp or specialized for shearing meat as those of some other
a b c
carnivores do.
6.Through the technology of recombining DNA,scientist can modify microorganisms since
a b
(so that)
they become so-called factories that produce large quantities of medically usefull drugs.
c d
7.Ralph Waldo Emerson argued that a poet used symbols more appropriately that a
religious mystic were,because the poet recognizes the multiple meaning of symbols and
b (did) c
the ability of language to reflect a continuousity changing world.
8.Under normal circumstances,the two populations of related wild flowers do not
interbreed because the wind does not blow hard enough to carry pollen between them in
b c
order to pollination can occur.
9.The population growth in California in the 1960's was rapid,but not as large that it was
a b c(as)
between 1848 and 1950.
10.Male or female butterflies often have scales on their wings that reflect ultraviolet
a b
light,producing patterns although they can distinguish one sex from the other.
c (so that) d
11.The renowned Core Curriculum unites all Columbia undergraduates by providing a
a b
common foundation in literature,philosophy,science,art,history and music,and caps classes
at 22 students afford close interaction with Columbia's renowned faculty.
c(to efford) d
12.Notable Columbians include Barack Obama,Isaac Asimov,Madeline Albright,Langston
Hughes,Jack Kerouac,Julia Stiles,and manymore span every professional field.
b c d
13.To support students pursuing study abroad,research,internships and comunity
a b
service opportunities,Columbia offer the opportunity to apply for additional funding
c d(offers)
and exemptions from ademic year and summer expectations.
14.Education at the University is mostly worked by the age-old method of putting a lot of
a b
young people in the vicinity of a lot of books and hoping that something would passed
c d
(would pass)
from one to the other.
15.Harvard University,who is based in Cambridge and Boston,Massachusetts,has aan
a b c
enrollment of over 20000 degree candidates,including undergraduate,graduate,and
professional students.
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