Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.Everybody lead a happy and serene life and lives in harmony with the nature.
a(leads) b c d
2.Smoking in public will violate to the basic rule.
a b c d
(will violate)
3.Smoking in public spaces might be dangerous because of there is a lot of careless
a b(because)
smokers who forget to extinguish the sparkles after they smoke.
c d
4.Some people might believe that it is their rights to smoke where they please.
a b c d(wherever)
5.The irresponsible action may lead to big fire and a great numbers of people will hurt a b c d
(will be hurt)
in the accident.
6.A zoo has some useful purposes preserve the endanagered species,to educate the public
a(to perseve) b
about wildlife,and for its visitors to have fun.
c d
7.The extinction of animals will be a big problems for our ecosystem and will even
a b(problem) c
threaten our survival.
8.Now the government begins to realize the important of forests and is encouraging
a b(importance) c
people to grow trees.
9.Fresh air,juicy fruits,meat,milk and rawhide is only a small part of what we gain from
a b(are) c d
10.Television programs provide an extensive amount of information and knowledge for
a b
children learn on their own.
c d
(to learn)
11.Nowadays,children virtually superfluously spend their after-school life on watching
a b
television programs,play computer games,and Internet chatting apart from completing
c(playing) d
their necessary homework.
12.The three cat under that tree are eating nobes.
a b c d
13.Some of the stars in the closing stages of their lives becomes while dwarfs.
a b c d(become)
14.Sodium is ordinary found in adequate if not overabundant amounts in our regular
a(ordinarily) b c d
15.Carbohydrates become a more significant source of fuel as exercise become more
a b c d
intense. (becomes)
16.We should strive to eliminate foods who do not contain appropriate nutritive
a b c (that/which) d
17.All diets,even those designed reduce body weight,should be nutritionally sound.
a b c(to reduce) d
18.People cannot selective reduce fat stores.
a b c d
19.Consumption of sugar in any amount during the hour before exercise was not
a b c d(is)
20.The use of virtual teams in the workplace provides many advantages and
a b
disadvantages-both for organizations or for employees.
c d(and)
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soal soal toefl dan pembahasannya 2