Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
Sound levels below about 40 decibels are not very useful in music.They require that back-ground noise,such as audience movement or ventilating systems,be even lower-and that often is not the case.Levels over about 100 are not only unpleasantly loud but also can be damaging to the ear.As a matter of fact,lately I've been doing a little research on my own on decibel levels that I want to share with you.Last week,I went to an amplified rock concert by a band called the Creatures-at least,I think that's what they were called-and I took a sound-level meter with me.I measured sound levels as high as 115 decibels from my seat.Oh,and I can vouch for the fach that this level of sound is painfully loud! A couple of nights later,I measured the sound levels at a concert by the Metropolitan Philharmonic Symphony.Although a full orchestra is theoretically capable of producing sounds at a much higher level,I didn't record any sounds from my seat above 90 decibels.Most of the sound levels were much lower.And when the first violinist performed a solo,the highest level I deceded was only around 60 decibels.
1.On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):What is the topic of the lecture?
In your test book you read:
a.a musical acoustic
b.a class of music
c.decibel levels
d.audience movement
Topik kulih dapat diketahui melalui narasi dari narator yang menyebutkan Listen to a lecture in a musical acoustics class about decibel levels.Jadi,topik kuliah adalah decibel levels(C).
2.On the recording you hear :
(Narrator):Which level that can be damaging to the ear?
In your test b0ok you read:
a.40 decibels
b.60 decibels
c.90 decibels
d.over 100 decibels
Mengacu pada kalimat Level over about 100 are not only unpleasantly loud but also can be damaging to the ear,maka diketahui bahwa level suara yang membahayakan telinga adalah levels over about 100(D).
3On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):When did the man go to an amplified rock concert?
In your test book you read:
a.Last week
b.A couple of nights later
c.Last night
Kapan si pria pergi menonton konser musik rock dapat diketahui dari kalimat Last week,I went to an amplified rock concert by a band called the Creatures(A).
4.On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):What will happen if you hear sound levels as high as 115 decibels?
In your test book you read:
a.The ears will be hurt.
b.The sound will not be heard.
c.It will be nice.
d.It will be enjoyable.
Akibat mendengarkan suara dengan level 115 desibel dapat diketahui dari kalimat Oh,and I can vouch for the fact that this level of sound is painfully loud!Jadi,jika anda mendengarkan suara tersebut,telinga anda akan sakit(A).
5.On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):How high the sound of violin?
In your test book you read:
a.115 decibels
b.100 decibels
c.90 decibels
d.60 decibels
Suara biola menurut kalimat the hightest level I detected was only around 60 decibels.mencapai 60 desibels.
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