Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.On the recording,you hear:
(Woman):The bakery sells many delicious cakes.
(Man):Let's go there and buy some.
(Narrator):Where do the man and the woman probably go?
In your test book you read:
a.To the man's house.
b.To their office.
c.To the bakery.
d.To the woman's kitchen.
Kata there yang diucapkan si pria merupakan kata ganti yang mengacu pada suatu tempat.Tempat yang dimaksud adalah tempat yang disebutkan oleh si wanita-yaitu tempat yang menjual bayak kue lezat.Jadi,mereka akan pergi ke bakery.(C)
2.On the recording,you hear:
(woman):We have some new books here.
(Man):I want to buy a business book.
(Narrator):Where does the conversation take place?
In your test book you read:
a.In the library.
b.In a book store.
c.In the man's house.
d.In the office.
Dari pernyataan si pria buy a business book,maka diketahui bahwa percakaan tersebut terjadi di toko buku(in a book store)(B).
3.On the recording,you hear:
(woman):The movie isn't interesting.
(man):You can say that again.
(Narrator):What does the man mean?
In your test book you read:
a.He agrees with the woman's opinion.
b.He wants to see the movie again.
c.He likes the movie very much.
d.He doesn't want to see the movie.
Ungkapan you can say that again yang diucapkan si pria menandakan bahwa si pria memiliki pendapat yang sama dengan si wanita.Selain you can say that again,untuk menunjukkan pendapat yang sama atau sepakat dengan ide yang disampaikan dapat digunakan ungkapan me too,so do I,dan I'II say.Jadi,jawaban yang sesuai untuk soal ini adalah He agrees with the woman's opinion(A).
4.On the recording,you hear:
(man):It's hard day.I need a holiday.
(woman):So do I.
(Narrator):What does the woman mean?
In your test book you read:
a.She wants to have a holiday with the man.
b.She has the same idea as the man.
c.She hates holiday.
d.She does't need a holiday.
Telah dijelaskan pada soal sebelumnya ungkapan so do I menadakan kesepakatan.Jadi,maksud si wanita mengatakan so do I adalah si wanita memiliki ide yang sama dengan si pria-she has the same idea as the man(B).
5.On the recording,you hear:
(man):The seminar will be held tomorrow.I'm going to buy the ticket now.
(woman):Me too.
(Narrator):What does the woman mean?
In your test book you read:
a.She wants to buy the ticket tomorrow.
b.She doesn't hold the seminar.
c.She enjoys the seminar now.
d.Her idea is similar to the man's idea.
Berkaitan dengan soal sebelumnya,me too merupakan penanda kesepakatan.Jadi,maksud dari ucapan si wanita adalah dia memiliki ide yang sama dengan si pria-her idea is similar to the man's idea(D).
Thank for reading TRIK JITU MENGERJAKAN SOAL TOEFL in my blog.
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soal soal toefl dan pembahasannya 2