Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
Good morning,student.In our last class,we were talking about regulation in the advertising industry.In fact,as you may remember.I said advertising was one of the most heavily regulated industries in the United states,and I gave as an example the law that prohibits advertising tobacco products on television.New,in today's class,I want to tell you about self-regulation in advertising,which the industry has adopted as a way to stop abuses before they can occur.As we'll see,these self-imposed codes of ethics are intended to control not only bad taste but also misrepresentation and deception-although,of course,they don't always work.Any questions before we get started?
1.On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):Who is the man likely to be?
In your test book you read:
a.A student
b.A lecturer
c.A narrator
d.AN advertising manager
Who(siapa)megacu pada diri seseorang,profesi,atau jati diri.Menyimak dari kalimat pertama yang menyebutkan Good morning students,maka dapat dipastikan yang mengatakan kalimat tersebut adalah seorang teacher/lecture=guru(B).
2.On the recording you here:
(Narrator):Where does the talk probably take place?
In your test book you read:
A.In an advertising class
b.In a broadcasting class
c.In a tobacco fabric
d.In a course
Where(Dimana)mengacu pada tempat-lebih tepatnya tempat terjadinya perkuliahanMengacu pada kalimat In our last class,we were talking about regulation in the advertising industry,maka diketahui bahwa perkuliahan terjadi di dalam Kelas,khususnya periklanan(In an advertising class).(A)
3.On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):What is the lecturer going to discuss today?
In your test book you read:
a.The regulation in the advertising industry
b.Regulation industries in U.S.
c.Self-regulation in advertising
d.Advetising tobacco procuct
Keterangan today tercantum dalam kalimat Now,in today's class,I want to tell you about self-regulation in advertising,maka dari kalimat ini pula diketahui bahwa guru akan membahas tentang self-regulation in advertising(C).
4.On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):What is the function of the talk as?
In your test book you read:
Di akhir kuliah terdapat kalimat Any questions before we get started?,maka apa yang disampaikan guru sebelumnya merupakan pembuka atau perkenalan materi yang dapat disebut juga dengan istilah preface.(A)
5.On the recording you hear:
(Narrator):What are students probably do after listening to the talk?
In your test book you read:
a.Go home
b.Make conclution
c.Take some notes
d.Ask some questions
Di akhir kuliah terdapat kalimat Any questions before we get started?,maka yang dilakukan oleh para siswa adalah mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan-ask some question.(D)
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