Soal-soal toefl dan pembahasannya part most dificult course. a.was b.were Mathematics merupakan kata benda khusus yang di akhiri s namun bukan petunjuk jamak.Jadi,Subjek mathematics pada kalimat di samping patut diikuti kata kerja perangkai tunggal was karena mathemathics kata benda tunggal.
1.On the recording,you hear:
(woman):I'm so tired.
(Man):Why don't you take a rest?
(Narrator):What does the man mean?
In your test book you read?
a.The woman should finish the job.
b.The woman should stop her activity.
c.The woman should go to the rest room.
d.The woman shouldn't take a rest.
Si pria mengatakan why don't you take a rest?
-Inti saran dari si pria adalah take a rest.Frase tersebut bermakna istirahat atau berhenti melakukan aktivitas.Jadi,take a rest sama artinya dengan stop the activity(B).
2.On the recordingg,you hear:
(Man):I'm looking for my watch.
(Woman):Oh,I put it on the desk.
(Narrator):What does the woman mean?
In your test book you read:
a.The woman takes the watch.
b.She wears the watch.
c.The watch is nice
d.The watch is put on the desk.
Pernyataan kedua Oh,I put it on the desk merupakan kalimat aktif yang memiliki inti pembicaraan pada kata it(the watch).Jika pernyataan tersebut diulang dengan menjadikan the watch sebagai subject kalimat,maka kalimatnya harus kalimat pasif.Jadi,maksud dari pernyataan si wanita adalah The watch is put on the desk.(D)
3.On the recording,you hear:
(Woman)Where is the criminal?
(Man):He is arrested by the police.
(Narrator):What does the man mean?
In your test book you read:
a.The police arrests the criminal.
b.The criminal went to the police station.
c.The criminal and the police go together.
d.The criminal arrests the police.
Pernyataan si pria merupakan kalimat pasif dengan ciri adanya to be 'is'+v3(arrested).Maka,maksud dari pernyataan si pria dapat di ungkapkan dengan kalimat aktif yang memiliki arti sama,yaitu The police arrests the criminal(A).
4.On the recording,you hear:
(Man):How much does the rose cost?
(Woman):It's one dollar,Sir.
(Narrator):Who is the woman likely to be?
In your test book you read:
a.She is a buyer.
b.She is a bank officer.
c.She is a florist.
d.She is a housewife.
Pada awal percakapan menyebutkan rose(mawar),kemudian direspon oleh si wanita dengan menjawab it(the rose) is one dollar,Sir.Maka,dapat dipastikan bahwa si wanita adalah seorang penjual bunga(florist)-she is a florist(C).
5.On the recording,you hear:
(Man):I'll check the patient.
(Woman):I'll help you,doctor.
(Narrator):Who is the woman?
In your test book you read:
a.She is a paient.
b.She is a nurse.
c.She is a driver.
d.She is a doctor.
Ungkapan I'll help you,doctor menunjukkan secara jelas profesi atau siapa si wanita tersebut.Orang yang membantu dokter adalah perawat(nurse).Maka,the woman is a nurse(B).
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