Of the six outer planets,Mars,commonly called the Red Planet,is the closest to Earth.Mars,4,200 miles in diameter and 55% of zise of Earth,is 34,600,000 miles from Earth,and 141,000,000 miles from the Sun.It takes this planet,along with its two moons,phobos and Deimos,1.88 years to circle the Sun,compared to 365 days for the Earth.
For many years,Mars had been thought of as the planet with the man-made canals,supposedly discovered by an Italian astronomer,Schiaparelli,in 1877.With the United States spacecraft Viking I's landing on Mars in 1976,the man-made canal theory was proven to be only a myth.
Viking I,after landing on the soil of Mars,performed many scientific experiments and took numerous pictures.The pictures showed that the red color of the planet is due to the the reddish,rocky Martian soil.No biological life was found,though it had been speculated by many scientists.The Viking also monitored many weather changes including violent dust storms.Some water vapor,polar ice and permafrost(frost below the surface) were found,indicating that at one time there were significant quantities of water on this distant planet.Evidence collected by the spacecraft shows some present volcanic action,though the volcanos are believed to be dormant,if not extinct.
1.All of the following are true except
a.Mars has two moons
b.it takes longer for Mars to circle the sun than it takes Earth
c.Martin soil is rocky
d.Mars is larger than Earth
pembahasan:Mars is 55 percent the size of Earth;therefore,it is smaller.
2.Man-made canals were supposedly discovered by....
a.Viking I
pembahasan:The first sentence of paragraph 2 tells us that the canals were thought to have been discovered by Schiaparelli.
3.The word"supposedly"in line 8 is closest in meaning to
pembahasan:"Supposedly"modifies Schiaparelli's discovery of man-made canals on Mars.The next sentence states that the man-made canal theory was proved to be a myth.The context casts doubt on the discovery,so"presumably"is closest in meaning to"supposedly."
4. Mars has been nicknamed
a.Viking I
B.the Red Planet
pembahasan:If Mars is "commonly called" the Red Planet,that is how it is "nicknamed"
5.In line 11,the word"myth"is closest in meaning to
pembahasan:A "myth"is"either something untrue or a culture's world view.In this use,"myth"is closest in meaning to"legend,"which is a polular story or theory that is unverified.
6.The Viking I exploration accomplished all of the following except
a.performing scientific experiments
b.collecting information showing volcanic action
c.monitoring weather conditions
d.discovering large quantities of polar ice and permafrost
pembahasan:This is the only choice that is not true.The last paragraph states that some polar
ice and permafrost were found,indicating that at one time there were significant quantities.Now,however,only traces are left,not large quantities
7.What is the main idea of this passage?
a.Fairly recent studies of this planet reveal data contradict previously held theories.
b.Very little of the Martian landscape has changed over the years.
c.Scientists are only speculating about the Red Planet.
d.Scientists are no longer interested in the planet because there is no life on it.
pembahasan:Most of the passage is spent telling the reader what Viking I discovered when it landed on Mars and how the data refutes some of the beliefs people had about Mars.The other three answer choices are incorrect.
8.The word"monitored"in line 17 is nearest in meaning to
pembahasan:The sentence states that weather changes are being "monitored,"so the word nearest in meaning to that is"observed."
9.The word"dormant"in line 23 is closest in meaning to
pembahasan:The fact that the volcanoes on Mars are believed to be"dormant,"though some show signs of activity,should lead you to choose"inactive"as the synonym for"dormant"and the condition of most of the volcanoes.
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